I've got sugar running through my veins, 90s rap, boy bands, and pop punk on repeat in the car, and I'm annoyingly obsessed with murder podcasts but (obviously) terrified of being murdered. 

As a mom to three boys and two pups, I want to capture all the things and people we make part of our lives and who make us US. The person we are and used to be. Those people, those moments, need to be remembered. WE need to be remembered. They make us who we are and help define where we're gonna go. So let's see what we can capture.

I'm Dana


"I want someone to look back and remember that moment... that person...that life" 

Let''s capture memories.

I grew up a Chicago suburbs kid in the 90s. And I copied my sister in EVERYTHING she did. So naturally, I picked up a camera only because she did back in 2007. Who knew then that I'd make photography my full time job 15 years later. (YIKES, that makes me seem old)

I went to Bradley University in Peoria, IL for photography in 2007. After 3 years in, I decided I was too socially anxious to ever do wedding photography or pose people. So I bailed and went into Business Management, where I spent the next 10 years in HR (funny how I thought going into HR would be the solution to social anxiety). BUT it all worked out.

I always dabbled in photography, and once in Bloomington, IL (where I live now), I finally decided to fully get back into when I kept seeing wedding + boudoir photography and thinking "I want to capture those feelings and people. I want someone to look back on these images and remember that moment.... that person... that life." 

After diving into the photo community in Bloomington. I started my own business, and now focus on boudoir and weddings in the Bloomington, Peoria, Chicago, and midwest areas. And I AM HERE FOR IT.

My story

Life happens. Let's remember it.
Running + lifting weights
Parks + Rec, The Office, + New Girl
Not reading all the directions before cooking + cursing like a pirate
Sarcastic + self proclaimed hilarious
TV Show
Toxic Trait

The Quiz

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